An Unwanted Visitor

by Allie on September 7, 2011

Update on the home front: Mark has a new job! He joined Kobo, a Toronto-based eBook retailer. They make eReader devices, including the best touch eReader on the market, which is highly rated by Consumer Reports, amongst others.

Buy one. Buy two. Buy another for your mom/boyfriend/cousin/partner/best friend/yourself! Did I mention Mark is in sales? I think it might be rubbing off…

Sunrise at the Toronto airport Air Canada plane

Mark travels a lot for work – almost every week so far. Sometimes with his nice Canadian co-workers (hello to Dave, who I haven’t met yet, and who is schooling Mark in the ways of bringing small gifts home to significant others :^).

I have joined Mark on a couple trips (Seattle & SoCal), but most of the time he is doing the road warrior thing alone. And it sucks to be apart. After 18 months of almost 24/7 togetherness, you’d think we’d get sick of each other, right? No.

Sigh. I miss him.

In Mark’s absence, an unwelcome visitor has started calling: Insomnia. Once I’m asleep, I am out for the night, but crossing the border to the Land of Nod is difficult.

Last week Insomnia paid an extended visit. Mark was flying from Toronto to Vancouver, and his flight was delayed for five hours due to thunderstorm and tornado warnings.  Frickin’ TORNADOES. His 5-hour flight didn’t leave until almost 1:00 am ET.

I went through my evening routine, mentally ticking off the boxes on an unwritten ‘Sleep Prep’ checklist.

Soothing herbal tea? Check.

Hot bath? Check.

Good fiction book? Check.

It was no use. I thought about thunderstorms. And tornadoes.  And one relatively small pressured metal canister hurling west through the sky. Possibly through thunderstorms. And tornadoes.

I tried to distract myself. I read Garth Stein’s The Art of Racing in the Rain straight through (thanks again to Joy WD for gifting it to me!).

I folded laundry.

I processed 46 emails out of my inbox.

I caught up on my blog reading.

I followed his flight online.

Mark landed in Vancouver at 2:41 am PT. I called him while he was still on the plane, relieved to hear his voice. The flight had been smooth, no problems. He was exhausted, but didn’t have meetings until the early afternoon. There was time for a few hours of sleep.

And then it was my turn. Insomnia slipped out the back door, with threats to come again soon.

And sometime around 3:30 am, I finally fell asleep.